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Ph.D. Interdisciplinary Ecology University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. May 2022

      -Physiological, Community, and Microbial Ecology of Butterflies of the Colombian Andes

M.S. Biology University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK. March 2014

     -Tests of biological corridor efficacy for conservation of a Neotropical giant damselfly

B.A. Program in the Environment, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. May 2010

     -Semester abroad in Costa Rica winter 2009.  Coursework in ecology, Spanish, research methods.                                     


*indicates undergraduate coauthor

Khazan, E.S., Woudstra, L.C., Hughes, M., Foale, C., In Review. Long-term trends and Seasonality of the Great Green (Ara ambiguus) and Scarlet Macaw (Ara macao) in Tortuguero, Costa Rica.

Luna, N*, Herrera, G., Muñoz, M, Sánchez-Herrera, M., Brown, A., Khazan, E., Pardo-Diaz, C., Ramirez, J.D., Salazar, C. In Press: Microbial Ecology. Geography shapes the microbial community structure in Heliconius butterflies.

Khazan, E.S., Salazar Satosque, M.P.*, Brown, A., Salazar, C., Sánchez Herrera, M. In Press: Tropical Lepidoptera Research. Gut microbiome composition and variation in two Heliconius species (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) in the Colombian Andes.

Snyder, P.W., Ramsay, C.T., Harjoe, C.C., Khazan, E.S., Briggs, C.J., Hoverman, J.T., Johnson, Preston, D.L., Rohr, J.R., Blaustein, A.R. In Revision. Experimental evidence that host species composition alters host-pathogen dynamics in a Ranavirus-amphibian assemblage.

Khazan, E.S., Haggard, J., Ríos-Málaver, I.C., Shirk, P., Scheffers, B.R. (2021). Disentangling Drivers of Thermal Physiology: Community-Wide Cold Shock Recovery of Butterflies Under Natural Conditions. Biotropica

Khazan, E.S. (2021). Field-Based Thermal Physiology Assay: Cold Shock Recovery Under Ambient Conditions. Journal of Visualized Experiments.

Khazan, E.S., Johnson, S., Borden, J., Greenhaw, L. (2020). Examining Gender Bias in Student Evaluations of Teaching for Graudate Teaching Assistants. Journal of North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture.

Khazan, E.S., Bujan, J., Scheffers, B.R. (2020). Patterns of ant activity and nesting ecology in a Neotropical floodplain. International Journal of Tropical Insect Science 

Khazan, E.S., Verstraaten, T.*, Moore, M.P., Dugas, M.B. (2019). Nursery crowding influences parental, but not offspring, fitness in a phytotelm-breeding frog. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 73:33

Fincke, O.M., Xu, M., Khazan, E.S., Wilson, M., Ware, J. (2019). Tests of hypotheses for morphological and genetic divergence in Megaloprepus damselflies across Neotropical forests. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society

Khazan, E.S., Arias, M.A., Fernández, L.M. (2016). Large mammal community composition
and relative abundance under a disturbance gradient in Northeast Costa Rica.
International Journal of Tropical Biology and Conservation 64(4):1554-1564

Fernández, L.M., Arias, M.A., Khazan, E.S. (2015). Analysis of population density and distribution of spectacled caiman (Caiman crocodilus) in Caño Palma, Northeast Costa Rica. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 10(3):959-968

Khazan, E.S., Bright, E.G., Beyer, J.E. (2015). Land management impacts on tree hole invertebrate communities in a Neotropical rainforest. Journal of Insect Conservation 19(4):681-690

Khazan, E.S. (2014). Tests of biological corridor efficacy for conservation of a Neotropical damselfly. Biological Conservation 177:117-125


Khazan, E.S. 20 July 2019.  Diversidad, fisiología, e interacciones de mariposas a través un gradiente de uso de tierra e elevación en Colombia. Universidad de los Llanos. Villavicencio, Colombia

Khazan, E.S. 25 September 2018. Neotropical Forests; Threats and Conservation Efforts. University of Florida Society for Conservation Biology Club. Gainesville, FL

Khazan. E.S. 13 July 2013. Damselfly mating systems and the potential plight of Magnificent blue. La Selva Research Station. Sarapiquí, Costa Rica


Khazan, E.S., Ríos-Málaver, I.C., Scheffers, B.R. 18 July 2019. Diversidad, fisiología, e interacciones de mariposas diurnas a través un gradiente de uso de tierra en Colombia. Sociedad Colombiana de Entomología, Oral Presentation, Medellín, Colombia

Plummer, I.*, Khazan, E.S., Scheffers, B.R. 11 April 2019. Butterfly community composition differs across land use types in North Central Florida. The Wildlife Society (Florida Chapter), Poster Presentation, Melbourne, FL

Khazan, E.S., Ríos-Málaver, I.C., Scheffers, B.R. 15 March 2019. Diversity, Physiology, and Ecosystem Services of Butterflies Across a Land Use Gradient in Post-Conflict Colombia. Tropical Conservation and Development Fieldwork Festival. Poster Presentation, Gainesville, FL

Khazan, E.S., Arias, M.A., Fernández, L.M. 25 May 2016. Population Density and Distribution of Spectacled Caiman (Caiman crocodilus) in Caño Palma, Costa Rica. Society for Freshwater Science, Poster Presentation. Sacramento, CA

Khazan, E.S., Arias, M.A., Fernández, L.M. 5 March 2016. Human Disturbance Affects Large Mammal Communities: A Case Study from Palm Swamps of Northeast Costa Rica. OSU Biology Graduate Student Symposium, Poster Presentation. Newport, OR

Khazan, E.S. 7 March 2014. Damsels in Distress: Biological Corridor Network as an Ineffective Conservation Tool for a Giant Damselfly. OU Student Research and Performance Day, Poster Presentation. Norman, OK

Khazan, E.S. 30 September 2013. ¿Funcionan las redes de corredores biológicos para las libélulas gigantes? VII Simposio Mesoamericano de Corredores Biológicos, Sociedad Mesoamericana para la Biología y la Conservación, Oral Presentation, Havana, Cuba

Khazan, E. S. 26 June 2013. Do biological corridors work for giant damselflies? Association of Tropical Biology and Conservation, Oral Presentation, San Jose, Costa Rica

Khazan. E.S. 6 April 2013. Do biological corridors work for giant damselflies? Southwestern Association of Naturalists, Oral Presentation, Lake Charles, LA

Khazan, E.S. 24 January 2013. Fragmentation and Social Justice? Center for Social Justice: Graduate Student Research Fellows, Oral Presentation, Norman, OK


Graduate Teaching Assistant, Gainesville, Florida                                                             August 2017 – Present

Teaching Assistant: University of Florida, Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation

Introduction to Environmental Science: Grade and comment on assignments and discussions. Lead field trip to campus farm/food pantry.

Amphibians of the Southesast: Encourage and foster identification skills with undergraduate students. Switch lab class to online learning.

Natural Resource Ecology: Grade students’ problem sets and online discussion forums. Assist in development of course materials, and guide discussion groups for this online course.

Graduate Teaching Assistant, Corvallis, Oregon                                                         January 2016 – March 2017

Teaching Assistant: Oregon State University, Department of Integrative Biology

Advanced Human Anatomy and Physiology: Lead weekly laboratory sections briefly lecturing on material to be covered by hands-on experiments and demonstrations in lab. Evaluate students through weekly quizzes, writing assignments, practical exams, and creative in-class assignments.

Functional Human Anatomy Dissection: Guide and assist dissection of cadavers; evaluate students through quizzes and oral exams.

Introduction to Biology: Conduct weekly laboratory sessions by giving a brief lecture followed by facilitation of lab activities. Evaluate students through a term-long research project, quizzes, and MS excel skills tests.

Graduate Teaching Assistant, Norman, Oklahoma                                                             August 2011-May 2014

Teaching Assistant: University of Oklahoma, Department of Biology

Human Anatomy: Guide and assist dissection of cadavers. Evaluate students through regular lab practical exams and identification quizzes.

Introduction to Zoology: Conduct weekly laboratory sessions by leading tutorials and laboratory sections. Evaluate students through writing assignments, quizzes, and examinations. Hold regular office hours for further assistance with course material.


Director of Research and Conservation, Caño Palma Biological Station                         February 2020 - Present

Oversee long-term research projects (data collection and analysis), facilitate professional relationships with international researchers, communicate with board of directors and staff about research motives, future projects, correspondence with government agencies, and permitting.  

Research Coordinator, Caño Palma Biological Station, Costa Rica                     December 2014-November 2015

Coordinated collection, entry, and analysis of long-term research projects including monitoring of shorebirds, large mammals, spectacled caimans, and plant phenology. Advised independent undergraduate research projects. Trained interns and volunteers on station-run monitoring projects. Designed and implemented independent research projects and facilitated research by independent researchers (e.g. permit acquisition). Analyzed, wrote, and published peer-reviewed journal articles with long-term monitoring data.

Field Research, Los Tuxtlas Biosphere Reserve                                                                            March -July 2011

Research Assistant

Collect data to investigate interspecific and intraspecific male competition as well as sexual selection of rubyspot damselflies.

Communicating Climate Change, Maryland Science Center                               September 2010-February 2011


Recruit participants and design educational tools for the Communicating Climate Change citizen science project.   Funded by National Science Foundation.

Field Research, University of Michigan Biological Station                                                           June-August 2010

Research Assistant

Collect and analyze data on behavioral ecology, primarily regarding sexual harassment of polymorphic damselflies through observation and experimentation.

Michigan Community Scholars Program, Ann Arbor, Michigan                                 September 2007-May 2010

Office Administration Assistant

Data input, organization of service events, student mentoring, composition of weekly newsletter for students and faculty within the program.  Management of general office tasks.

Minority Health International Research Training (MHIRT), Mampong, Akwapim, Ghana        May-July 2008

Research Intern

Identification and extraction of traditional herbs used by Ghanaian midwives. Research conducted in the Centre for Scientific Research into Plant Medicine.  Collaboration with traditional healers.




College of Agricultural and Life Sciences Scholarship ($2,000)

Wildlife Graduate Student Association Travel Grant ($250)

College of Agricultural and Life Sciences Travel Grant ($250)

Tropical Conservation and Development Fieldwork Festival poster presentation: Grand Prize


Research Abroad for Doctoral Students (Office for Global Research Engagement) ($4,000)

Tropical Conservation and Development Field Research Grant ($2,000)

College of Agricultural and Life Sciences Scholarship ($2,000)


Adams Scholarship ($2,500)

OU College of Arts and Sciences Travel Funds: ATBC, SMBC Conferences ($2,000)

Department of Biology Travel Grant: ATBC, SMBC Conferences ($500)

Loren Hill Biology Excellence Fund ($500)

Robberson Conference Travel Grant ($500)

Graduate Student Senate: SWAN conference ($425)

Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation student travel award ($200)                                                                                                                                                     


Adams Scholarship ($3,500)                                    

Graduate Student Senate Grant ($1,125)

Loren Hill Zoology Excellence Fund ($500)

OU College of Arts and Sciences Travel Funds ($500)                                                    

Robberson Travel and Research Grant ($500)                                                                                              

Department of Biology Research Travel Grant ($250)                                                


OU College of Arts and Sciences Travel Funds: Research ($500)

Loren Hill Biology Excellence Fund ($500)

Graduate Student Senate: Research ($300)

Department of Biology Research Travel Grant ($250)

University Honors, University of Michigan: fall 2008, winter 2008, winter 2009


Oregon State University

•       Coalition of Graduate Employees Steward                                                                     May 2016 – April 2017

•       OSU Wind Ensemble: Second Bassoon                                                        September 2016 – December 2016

•       IBGSA (Integrative Biology Graduate Student Association) social committee        January 2016 – April 2017

University of Oklahoma

•       Sooner Bassooners                                                                                                      January 2013 – May 2014

•       Graduate Research Fellow: Center for Social Justice                                             September 2012 - May 2014

•       Graduate Student Senate Senator                                                                             August 2012 - August 2013

•       ZAGS (Zoology Association of Graduate Students) social coordinator                      August 2013 - May 2014



Presentation on international fieldwork to undergraduate Insect Research course (U. of Florida)


Briefing on biodiversity of the Tortuguero Conservation Area to park rangers/officials of the Costa Rican Ministry of Environment


Ants of the Southwest course participant. Portal, AZ. Instructors: Dr. Michelle Lanan, Dr. Terry McGlynn, Gordon Snelling


Oklahoma BioBlitz citizen scientist participant (odonate specialist)


Oklahoma BioBitz citizen scientist participant


University of Florida

Isabella Plummer – Community composition of butterflies, butterfly physiology, behavior

Universidad del Rosario

Maria Paula Salazar –Microbiome analysis and floral interactions of Heliconius butterflies

Caño Palma Biological Station

Advised 8 European undergraduate thesis students on topics including:  

Effect of forest structure on diversity and activity of tent-making bats;

Microhabitat use by Oophaga pumilio for tadpole deposition;

Shorebird community composition of Playa Norte, Costa Rica

Tree phenology of forest trees and canal-bordering trees

Habitat use and activity patterns of black river turtles on Caño Palma

Population Density of Oophaga pumilio at CPBS

Supervised 5 North American (USA, Canada) University “Multi-Taxa” interns who collected data for multiple long-term monitoring projects at CPBS


  • Foreign Language Proficiency: Spanish (fluent)

  • Human anatomy cadaver dissection

  • Programming in R: analysis and synthesis of qualitative and quantitative data; data visualization

  • Development and maintenance of databases

  • Knowledge of ecological theory/experiment development

  • Biodiversity monitoring methods

  • Canvas online learning environment

  • Remote field work in tropical environments

 Insect trapping/collection

CV: Text

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